... 155+, I would postpone until June. The one month mark came ... postponed.
Now as June approaches, I am just not ... skewed my score. In the June2007 exam, I have previously drilled ... 't happen between now and June 12th. But I've also ...
I took the June2007 diagnostic last week and got a 167 on my first attempt. Which PT should I start with if I want to be ready for the September/December LSAT??
Is it better to start with the latest PTs? Any advice would be appreciated!!
Hello: My target lsat score is 150 and I am planning to take the Lsat in December. Over the last year I studied half of the cc, and then decided I needed extra help, so I purchased the Power score Bibles. Currently, I have not taken any practice or timed ...
I've spent about 30 minutes trying to figure out this question but it seems I've hit a wall. I was able to eliminate (A) and (D) quickly but had a hard time understanding what the "youngest" "oldest" phrases were referring to. I ...
I'm still trying to wrap my head around this question. I originally chose (C) thinking that it would close the gap between premises and conclusion, but realize now that it doesn't address the issue of cost. Can someone please provide a number example and ...
I took this test 4 years ago when I first started my journey. I've failed it miserably and am now here and taking it extremely seriously! I am just starting on the CC and at the point where I just finished learning about BR (amazing) and tomorrow I'll do ...