... passages? Is there a particular typeofquestion you usually miss?
... Note other POVs too, of course. But keep the author's voice ... unveil gaps of understanding if you do pick the wrong AC ... and doing several rounds of these, try the same drill again, but ...
... same layouts** of the game boards and **at the same time, keep the same number of ... to add proficiency in this questiontype is way easier to get ... delete any games" yes, wrong, next B same thing until I get ...
... are getting the questions wrong. Also with getting roughly 50% of the Qs wrong ... am picking up on the same things they are. Sometimes ... also look at the typeofquestion I am gettingwrong and pay extra ... hung up on getting to your score of 'minimum of X' I ...
(2) Keep a WRONG ANSWER JOURNAL ... />
- QuestionType: this will help identify if there are patterns in the typeofquestion ... you're gettingwrong
- Why I picked ...
... Games Question Stems Flashcards
> (2) Keep a WRONG ANSWER ... ; - QuestionType: this will help identify if there are patterns in the typeofquestion ... you're gettingwrong
> - Why I ...
... only chance for getting into one of the lower of the T14 schools ... I find that a certain typeofquestion is giving me a lot ... where I am still getting many questions wrong.
... opinion there is something seriously wrong in your methodologies and you ... unless you just misread a question or something like that. of the same kind ofquestion and will get a ... GROUPING GAME in bold type at the top of the page, so ...
I keep missing two types of questions, "Which would the author most likely agree with" and "what is the author's attitude towards X". Other than that, I do very well on the RC section, how do you guys attack these particular questions?
... balance" of searching for the perfect answer (or getting every answer ... I understand exactly: what typeofquestion I am attacking; what ... other 4 answers choices are wrong. Essentially, the BR ... use? I'm thinking of drilling question types every mourning, ...
... or anything of the questions they get wrong on the ... questions you are are gettingwrong in a spreadsheet, do ... wrong? Or do you just write the test number section, & question ... & typeofquestion. Just trying to figure ...
... logical reasoning into question types but does anyone know of a book ... questions grouped specifically by the typeof flaw
EX.) the ... br />
do this for each typeof flaw
(I feel this ... see how each typeof flaw is used in a lsat question) -Thanks
... measure the effectiveness was completely wrong blah blah
- ... usually I think this typeofquestion has quite complex conditionals and ... Usually I think the wrong answers have either different ... the argument did (something wrong)/didn't (do something ...
... 's not that a particular typeofquestion gets me (in fact I ... method of reasoning), it just seems that I am getting the majority of ... the answers wrong from questions 15 ... and end up picking the wrong one. Note: English is my ...
wrong choices, but I have a question regarding ... two methods provide the sametypeof information, the more ... and ordinary stethoscopes provide the same kind of info?
< ...
... untimed LR sections in groups of 5 questions so that I ... noticed I was getting use to doing one typeofquestion and had troubles ... around this? Should I just keep drilling? Will I eventually see ...
... now I am getting a lot of LR questions wrong. My average LR ... the December LSAT. My first question is that is possible to ... ? I have going over the question types I have seriously been ... book is doing full sections of one typeofquestion, scoring it and going ...
... />
But I keep thinking that this typeofquestion could also be a ... necessary assumption question.
Obviously ... of questions both sufficient assumption and necessary assumption questions at the same ...
... really have a trend ofgetting a lot of them wrong but I think ... take too long on each question. I dont have a specific ... the same as the stim. I think that, when treating the question ... see how it fits instead of honing in on the right ...
These are one typeofquestion I often struggle a ... things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification. Example: ... about support indicating a specific typeof statement. Dont be like, ... not hold punish John for getting someone badly injured while ...
I remember seeing that someone had created a list of the various LR question stems and the typeofquestion they belong to. I can't find it, as it was linked somewhere in the CC. Does anyone happen to have that link readily available?
... posting one of these everyday. So this question has to ... with a Necessary Assumption question--an old one. I ... consistently for one typeof attractive wrong answer choice for ... />
Where did I go wrong here?
Thanks in advance ... 26-section-2-question-07//
I think avg time taken per question by type would be at least as helpful as "Priority" in assisting studying. I have a custom spreadsheet showing marginal benefit of studying by typeofquestion and would love to have the time data!