... "unsure" I mean any uncertainty. For example: I know exactly why ... entire question and answer choices for all of the questions that ... out explanations in my own wordsfor why each answer choice is ... is not fun or effective for everyone). For example, when I find ...
... AC might not make for a perfect argument, but ... keep an eye out for any strengthening ACs. If ... SA/PSA method (looking for an AC to make ... the argument fully valid) for all strengthening questions, they ... your first question, the key indicator for SA would be " ...
... critics claims and counterviews for both the author and critics ... summary of a few wordsfor the MP for each paragraph, etc. ... trouble "defining" what reading for structure meant. If that is ... I also like their strategies for tackling the different question types ...
... notation system (circles for time indicators, parenthesis for locations, etc.) I ... following:
a) For passage structure: a description of ... answer choice is wrong (for example, the answer choice ... work. This is the key part. For a long time I ...
... notation system (circles for time indicators, parenthesis for locations, etc.) I ... , concludes with author arguing for a redefinition of the issue ... incorrect answer choice is wrong (for example, the answer choice ... work. This is the key part. For a long time I ...
... paraphrase it in your own words. For example, if you are reading ... putting it into your own words
2.5 - optional) If ... the PowerScore LR drill textbook for this and it's helping ... you can find other resources for exercises in diagramming sentences online
All words used by @"David.Busis" in ... statement. I use five dollar words in my vocab too, and ... usually give me the stick for it... but they're not ... to law school. Using those wordsfor the sake of them would ...
As for (A), Dr. L would clearly ...
Dr. S is advocating for a private health care system ... have money to pay for a treatment are denied ... able to pay for it. In other words: for Dr. S, ... is unable to pay for a medical procedure, but ...
https://www.kaptest.com/study/lsat/guide-to-lsat-reading-comprehension/ Jys method is the low resolution summaries (you can put a few keywords next to the passage while reading ) https://7sage.com/lsat-reading-comprehension-the-memory-method/
... do think consistency is a key ingredient for most people. In my ... minimum was the sweet spot for improvement. If I dropped down ... would reserve untimed sections strictly for review. Don't underestimate how ... rushed on timed sections, look for signs you may be going ...
Thank you for doing this. There was so ... , a couple of the key takeaways for me was with resume formatting ... to touching on the strategy for gaining better scholarships. I do ...
... connection between the paragraphs. For example. P1 might introduce ... a passage you see the words "for example" typically the example ... drawing an arrow from the words "for example" to the sentence ... choice.
... definitely keep an eye out for indicator wordsfor the conclusion and the ... premise. But for me, I find first ... the stimulus has worked well for me. I struggled with this ...