Hey everyone lately I have been scoring -2 on LR ,-1 LG and -7 on RC. Does anyone have tips I could use to help improve my RC score before the October test? I've found difficulty with the Authors Attitude and Analogy questions.
What is the 10 minute break like? Do I have to keep the camera facing me as I go get myself a snack and stretch? I live in a studio so everything is one room except for the bathroom. Am I allowed to go into the bathroom? Thanks!!!!!!
I have scored 163-165 on my last 10 PTs. Sitting around -3 LR, -2 LG, -7 RC. However, this is inconsistent. The only pattern I can really see is the higher difficulty questions (level 4 and 5) trip me up. Any tips of nailing these down?
I’m looking for any tips for memorizing the logical indicators (group 1, 2, 3, 4 and what to do with each of them). Does anyone have any tips? I tried Flashcards and electronic Flashcards but I’m just not a memorization person.