Agree with above posters. 1-35 is to develop the fundamentals. Once you do a timed PT, you can always foolproof thereafter. Don't burn the material though.
... am studying with hasn't fool proofed at all and is ... perhaps a better way than fool proofing for me to learn ... doesn't necessarily need to foolproof all games 1-35 as ... couldn't have improved without fool-proofing all that games. But ...
Could you maybe tell us what question you are having difficulty making inferences? Have you fool-proofed all the games in PT1-35? As @tanes256 says, J.Y.'s explanation videos are great, so if you haven't seen them, you definitely should :)
... you - when fool proofing do you have to foolproof the questions as ... well? I fool proofed the ... that JY just meant to foolproof the game board but I ...
... you - when fool proofing do you have to foolproof the questions as ... well? I fool proofed the ... that JY just meant to foolproof the game board but I ... is an important part of fool proofing. It doesn't really ...
... the time spent on LGfool proofing and working on ... while focusing on foolproofing LG. It takes so much ... and are currently foolproofing LG! It takes so much ... did while beginning to fool proofing the games is ... was consistently working on fool proofing games and left ...
I second what @"Alex Divine" said. I initially took a month out just to foolproof games. It's really worth it and it will help you get familiar and knowledgable about game types.