... , so that's 300 unique logic games total. Assume you do ... a half to do every logicgame in existence three times. If ... take you 15 minutes per logicgame. You won't need to ... do each game 3 times, and some some ...
Same for me, I watch a logicgame explanation video or do one before a PT. As far as motivation goes, I always think with each PT, I'm one step closer to a higher score on the LSAT.
So I'm up to the logicgame section in the trainer and I feel it's going to confuse me if i use their techniques( subsets) what to do just skip this part? @nicole.hopkins
... , so that's 300 unique logic games total. Assume you do ... a half to do every logicgame in existence three times. If ... take you 15 minutes per logicgame. You won't need to ... do each game 3 times, and some some ...
@fifthending said:
I've found that my intuition is awful with this - I never know when to map everything out or when I should just go straight to the questions.
The intuition will come with time and practice—trial and error, ...
... but poor setup on one game threw my confidence off. In ... J.Y. will post the logicgame video and a lot of ... I had difficulty with was Logic Games. I think the only ... up my sleeves and study logic games for a couple hundred ...
... have equivalent consequences for the game; usually, one split rule will ... should find yourself playing more game boards 'empty' - that is, not ... to basically solve the whole game out. Whether you're capable ... a sure sign of your logicgame skills being subpar.