In @Pacifico's attacking the logic games strategy post he mentions that 7Sage has formatted the older logic games into the current 2 pages per game layout so they can be printed off and worked just like the current tests. Is this still available?
... up, but below are my notes on Principle questions and subtypes ... — you must follow the conditional logic and/or reasoning of the ... (most often, violates the conditional logic given in the principle)
So on the side menu of the app there are logic game videos that e plain the questions and gives the answers. But where do you get the questions from? I see they are from a prep test but what prep test?
... the 7Sage Syllabus are for Logic Games. To my untrained eyes ... looks like the syllabus introduces Logic Games, and then goes back ... other than:
- Introduction to Logic Games & Sequencing Games
... doing SA questions that are logic based, I do well seeing ... , when SA questions are not logic based, I have a very ... SA questions that were not logic based?