Not trying to get into T14 or 25. Middle-of-the-pack schools with medians in the low160s. Is it worth applying in April? I'm not waiting for another cycle, so it's a matter of applying now or in April. Is it even worth trying?
Hi, I have been studying consistently for quite a few months and consistently get anywhere from -4 to -10 on LR, and around -8 to -12 on rc depending on the difficulty. My max score timed is 161 and blind review 165ish. I plan to take it in September but ...
I only had one games section and the circular one was in it. Totally killed me, this games section. And one of my reading comps. Hope it wasn't the one that counts otherwise I'm definitely below my low160s realistic goal...that would really depress me.
Hi! I'm also aiming to break 170 by December, I was planning on taking the September exam, but I'm still only scoring in the low160s. Feel free to message me if you're still looking for a study buddy in NYC.