... college degree--counts for the LSACGPA. Sometimes students have written addenda ... a higher median than their GPA median, or the other way ... ." And sometimes a post-college GPA will be higher than a ... first college degree GPA, in which case it is ...
When it comes to the GPA scales schools report for incoming classes, does anyone know if it’s the LSACGPA or the actual undergrad GPA they’re using for that?
@jmarmaduke96 Thanks for your response! I meant "all A's before" as in the past three years haha I wish I had a 4.0... My lsacgpa is currently mid–3.8, so I was just worried that an A- might look bad for the last semester. Hopefully it's okay...
Only your graduating institution, though of course every institution where college credit was taken prior to a college graduation will count for the LSACGPA so there is some impact on things that way.
As a transfer student myself, I can confirm that your cumulative GPA between both of your schools will be your LSACGPA. They don't weigh any school's GPA more than the other when calculating it.
... see your ugpa average on LSAC? Mine just says 3.0 ... that it?
Assuming LSAC has all your transcripts you ... :
1. Login to your LSAC account
2. At the ... ; there you will find Degree GPA as well as Cumulative LSACGPA
@jfpeterkin The degree summary is your final undergrad GPA, or the most recent transcript if KJD. To the right of that it should have a cumulative GPA and that is the official LSACGPA.
@Astraneous Is your degree summary gpa the same as your cumulative gpa? mine is exactly the same on lsac. My degree GPA should be much higher than my LSACgpa
... the same if your undergrad GPA and LSACGPA are the same. The ... degree summary GPA is the unmodified university GPA ... ; the cumulative GPA is the recalculated GPA of LSAC ...
@Astraneous So weird. I called LSAC and they said that unless ... transferred, your "Degree (Summary) GPA" and "Cumulative GPA" should be exactly the ... that 3.4 is my LSACGPA since I retook a couple ... 't know who's right, LSAC has been known to give ...
... that the cumulative GPA is the final official LSACGPA reported to schools ... .4 is your correct LSACGPA, having your degree GPA be different is ... only going to see the LSACGPA. I do get your concern ... quite odd for LSAC to have your original degree GPA be so ...
What is your LSACgpa? If you are aiming for any top 7 school, a 171 is good enough. If you think you are capable of getting to 175 or above and have the time to study and retake, then you would greatly increase your chances at HYS.
I have the same issue, graduated summa but because I also transferred my LSACGPA falls under magna. I have summa listed on my resume from my degree granting institution. They have all your transcripts so I'm sure its fine.
... you can appeal it to LSAC directly because it sounds like ... more likely to change your LSACGPA if they hear this context ... try to appeal it to LSAC and give this context though ...
I think if it wasn’t included in your LSACgpa (oddly) then don’t worry about it. Just disclose it in an addendum, I doubt any law schools would be requesting transcripts.