Is it just me, or is the LSAC webpage a pain to navigate? I can't for the life of me find how to get LOR's submitted. I read somewhere on here that you can email a link to the person you want to write it. I have had no luck finding said link...
... arguing that that was in violation of club rules.
violation of club rules. Disallowing Jeff ... it may not be in violation, Thomas made a determination that ... it is in violation. This is the flaw. He ...
This was probably answered in another thread that I can't find but I looked yesterday on LSAC and it was not there. Does anyone have an idea when LSAC will adjust the registration lineup?
Question: Does LSAC send an email confirming your decision to withdraw? I never received an email and I don't see it listed on my LSAC profile. I want to make sure it was recorded!