Hi everyone,
I just checked the status of my writing sample on the LSAC portal and it says "Exam Initiated". However, I have already completed my writing test. Should it say something like "Exam Submitted/Completed" (ie something went wrong with ...
I don't understand how E is the right answer over D. I eliminated the answer choice E because she claimed to be an insurance adjuster and didn't provide proof. How is claiming to be anything providing enough proof of being a government official? If the ...
I called LSAC, and they weren't sure. I'm going to give ProctorU a call later, but wanted to see if any recent test-takers knew. The directions include downloading an applet in the middle of steps. I should have admin access on my work laptop. I downloaded ...
Is it alright to give examples that are not stated in the prompt to support your ideas? I completed writing PT 82 about the filmmaker, and I found myself talking a little bit about creativity and potential advertising opportunities instead of focusing ...
I chose answer A because it seemed like the right answer, which I think is a trick of the test writers as a first answer choice. I didn't read answer choice B and skipped over it.
I am confused on the timing of the writing portion of the exam. What is the deadline associated with the writing portion? Is it something to worry about before or after the actual exam?
... his/her mislabeling of the question with which he/she struggled ... questions and the way the LSAT differentiates question stems that ask for ... as a subtype of inference question, but for the original poster ... be harmful to approach a question that asks for an ...
It's not a licensed LSAT test question. Its a game manufactured by a test prep company, so you'd probably be best to stay away and stick to the licensed questions.
... it really helped a certain question make sense. Even if you ... on a specific question or a general LSAT/LS question and have a ... would have posted the same question rather than a response to ...
... are the weakest. Focus on question types that you struggle with ... keep drilling them. Cambridge lsat sells question packages for really cheap (below ... yourself a copy of the LSAT Trainer by Mike Kim, its ...