I still have a lot of work to do, but I cracked the 150's on my first official LSAT. I am very pleased and this score will get me into my "safe school." Thank you 7sage:)
... knew things were going to end badly. I literally ... lawyer, the prosecution, anyone, to get him mental health help ... 150's on PT's but my goal is much higher. I want to ... But I also have to balance the reality of ... things I enjoy or want to get done instead. ...
... lsat score back and it's one point lower than my ... really don't know what to do!! I really wish I ... practice testing in low-mid 160s prior to my January test. Should ...
... this problem/knows how to work towards solving it. ... br />
But when it comes to the actual PT itself (which ... try my absolute best to adhere to actual test conditions ... the lower end of the 150's.
My worst section is RC, my best is LG but it is still not perfect. I need to take far more practice tests to prepare for the October test, but does anyone have any tips to improve from a 158 to160's in 6 weeks time?
... a study buddy but prefer to have a group of people ... or just a group chat to ask questions. Im studying on ... sometimes especially when there's no one else to ask help for ... those scoring anywhere from 140s to160.
... since August, PT in low 150’s and best is a 157 ... number, but I’d like to have an idea of what ... I could expect to be scoring in that timeframe ...
... . Everyone says that getting under 160 means I am missing fundamentals ... . what do I do to fix this? I have went ... 142. pls someone get me to160. and if anyone has taken ...
haha @paulfan2011, that's a weakening answer choice right ... certainly is a burnout. 170ish to160? That is just insane.
I guess we all have to be very careful about this ... couple of weeks following up to the test day.
I am no high scorer (in the 150's) , but I take a really long time. maybe even over an hour sometimes. I know for me to BR a test it takes literally 5++ hours.
... believe it will be best to reschedule it for a later ... . I improved from a 144 to a 155 over the past ... scoring in the mid-150s, how did you improve your score to160+?
I'm testing Mid 150s, aiming for 160+. Studying is going well, I've been alternating between TestMasters books and 7sage. I was just looking for someone to take PT and review answers with.
... and so on there's the introduction of substitution ... /replacement equivalence questions designed to act as curve-breakers. ... requiring you to parse through the language to identify logical ... abstract compared to older pt's) after the mid 50's/early 60 ...
... LSAT absolutely measures your ability to succeed in law school. ... . It is not uncommon to come across legal decisions that ... in the low 150's, you are restricting yourself to earning a JD ... (hey-oh! - LSAT speak!) needed to realize your scholastic confidence.
My journey since July has been a long hard process. Some people progress over time whereas some start off in the 160's. After 4 long months, I've gone from a high 130'sto PT'ing in the 160-163 range as of 3 weeks ago. Don't give up and you can do it!
To be honest, I never believed ... 20. I was expecting mid 30's and coming in at #30 ... have the upper hand thanks to alumni networks. So, once they ...
... Pre-Summer in Texas (mid 70's–80's an humid) the pool ... influx of chatter and splashing to add a new level of ... distraction to my at-home testing environment ... 've used the 7sage app to add distractions/white noise for ...
... 150's, I would suspect there are still fundamental issues in addition to ... Cambridge drilling packets for you to drill question types, game types ...
Definitely agree with @"Nilesh S" and @"Derek Kunhee Kim (김건희)" ... improvements and jump up to160 in a month, but ... the less likely that's possible. As they both ... the test if that's your study schedule. ...
However, as @"Nilesh S" pointed out, if you're ...
... , you don't want to be using up fresh PT ... 's when you're not ... was only scoring in the 150's. I would go through that ... packets as they go up to PT 38. My suggestion ... a good amount of them to drill solely as full sections ... might not be up to par.
... all except do be sure to reserve maybe the last 10 ... tests to take under exam conditions in ... the weeks leading up to the test. I'd say ... try to take the 10 before that ... range (say the low tomid 50's which have comparative reading), ...