I halve been drilling for 2 months and I only improved by maybe 3 points. How do you approach inference, MBT and moststronglysupported questions on the RC. I find it easier for LR than RC. How do I improve? Please.
It’s giving me nightmares
Do transcripts live forever on LSAC or do I have to re-submit every cycle i apply?Also, do recs carry over ormustbe submitted every year? i was going to apply, but decided to take a gap year.
Lately I have been having a lot of trouble with "mustbetrue" questions. Can anyone explain why C was the correct answer choice for this question, and not D?
... see if any of them mustbetrue. The ones that aren't ... . For two statements to be logically equivalent, they mustbetrue in all circumstances ... of the statements isn't true all of the time, they ... premise, and they can't be used to imply the validity ...
Does anyone have tips on how to tackle mustbetrue questions when there is percentages/numbers involve because I'm having a hard time understanding why D is right
... middle of the Validity and MustBeTrue sections. However, I want to ... you guys think it would be ok if I skip down ... sure if Im going to be missing information from LR that ...
For this question, I did not choose A because I created a world where F is not 1 lower than S and I don't understand what I'm getting wrong, I doubled checked the rules.
The world is: F K J S M G H
lol I know I did not crack the lsat, # ...
Does anyone have any tips for these questions? I tend to have to work through each answer choice to see if it would have a similar effect to the removed condition but that is lengthy and doesn't always produce a mustbetrue answer for me.
... “[a] retina scanner can therefore be used successfully to determine for ... , i.e. an assumption that mustbetrue for the conclusion to follow ... patterns. I took this to be necessary for the conclusion to ... scanned”). However, (B) seems to be false, for at least two ...
I think I understand why D is the correct answer choice. However, I am curious as to what you guys think is the best way to approach this question? Clearly using an in an out game board is the best choice. However, this question was hard for me to answer ...