Ah, this is such great advice. Thank you for all your help. 7sage has really been amazing, and by taking the course, I feel as prepared as I think I ever could be. Thank you again.
Quick question for those who've done lsat trainer and 7sage. Should I do them simultaneously? Like when i'm doing a specific section in the lsat trainer, follow up with the 7sage part or vice versa? What are your thoughts?
LG: 2-3 wrong
RC:10-12 wrong
LR-10-12 wrong. I have completed the 7sage syllabus once. Although, it has greatly improved my score from where I started, I still have a long way to go.
Here is the best cheat sheet ever: hundreds of hours (300 hours minimum) of 7sage (www.7sage.com). It is guaranteed! Don't trust my word, just ask the law students at the top law schools.
I would only add: since you already have the trainer and 7sage, don't spend any money on anything else EXCEPT for official LSAT tests OR for an extremely good tutor.
Probably the main difference between "new" and "old" is the addition of comparative passages in RC. The free June 2007 is the beginning of such change. So anything PT's starting with Pt 52 (in addition to June 2007) has the comparative reading.