... the screen between my setup on scratch paper and the test itself ... on the monitor was unforgiving for ... a clean paper version of the games to write on, and then ... online? I folded my scratch paper horizontally, with one bigger side ...
... should do a new tutorial on how to approach the RC ... notes anymore. From Last yr or so, I am practicing for paper ... there is a new tutorial on RC on how to best highlight ...
One huge disadvantage to the digital one is that I can’t annotate or write on the tablet. The scratch paper doesn’t really help except for the logic games :(. Any advise?
Has anyone seen similar paper--hue--graphite was described, thinness--heard it was sort of like newsprint, and watermark--available for purchase to practice on?
... about your approach on taking notes and keeping track ... did not take any notes. But lately I started ... taking detailed notes of the questions that ... can/will review my question notes again.
... you have any recommendations on how to proceed ...
I wanted to use bigger size paper for the games so i wouldnt have to flip notebook as often in case i ran out of room. Do we have to show our scratch paper? or? Does it have to be the standard 8.5x11 or can it be bigger
... />
I had a question on Logic Games, specifically those questions ... , because JY does his explanation on a sketchpad, it's easy ... game boards are done on a scratch paper.
When you ... ? Would love to get advice on how you do these questions!
Does anyone know if it's likely that the October LSAT will be LSAT Flex? Also for LSAT Flex, are you allowed to use scrap paper for reading comp notes since you can't really annotate on the computer besides highlighting?
I've created lots of notes using the note column on every question during BR. But I cannot seem to copy and paste those notes to a word document, or share it with anyone. Was wondering how I could save them to my computer.
How crucial is it to have the most recent PTs in Digital format? I have some PTs in paper form. And I still have a good amount of PT material left from my current 7Sage material.
I like to write in the margins for RC passages and I'm struggling with how to fully grasp a passage on the online flex test. How have people been using the 3 highlighters and/or writing notes?
... to get my thoughts onto paper (or screen?), and I feel ... />
I am feeling quite pessimistic on the LR curriculum, but I ... reading and getting mentally exhausted. On harder four-star and five ... , I will review past lessons on weekends. But I feel that ...
Hey there folks, I'll be taking the November flex on my tiny desk in a dark corner. Does anyone know if I'm allowed to have a lamp on the desk, or just my PC, paper, pencils etc..?
... two pieces of your scrap paper to reading comprehension.
The ... in the passage. Importantly, make notes for almost every new idea ... takes around 4-5 minutes on average. However, it makes answering ...
... some advice from you guys on a couple of things with ... actually finish because I handwrite notes, pause the videos, try the ... LR, and finally RC. Thoughts on doing this or should I ...