I like to write in the margins for RC passages and I'm struggling with how to fully grasp a passage on the online flex test. How have people been using the 3 highlighters and/or writing notes?
I just got an email confirming that the January, February, and April 2021 LSAT administrations are going to be LSAT-Flex. It was sent as a general email, so all of you should receive one soon.
So far I have been using the lsat flex version of the prep tests. I am wondering if there is a way to still use that second part of the LR section from the exam that was skipped in the flex version. Thanks guys!
For those who have taken the flex, did y'all encounter any games that didn't fit into the other categories (e.g. the Misc games of the 1990s)? In general, how'd would y'all rate the difficulty of LG section in flex?
Hello! For folks who have registered for previous LSAT Flex administrations, what is the process like? Do I need to have a Proctor U account? And how many days before the first available test date were you allowed to register? Thanks so much!
Will there be a heads up given in advance as to when we will be able to schedule our Novemeber FLEX, or will LSAC just tell us when we are suddenly able to do so? Any idea as to when?
... of October or beginning of November. On the 7sage Predictor, it ... I apply in October vs. November, but I'm thinnking that ... disadvantage by applying in early November?
... the dates that the November LSAT will be administered ... />
Saturday, November 7, 2020
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
GPA 3.2, October LSAT Flex 167
I got 164 ... for the July LSAT Flex (my first exam), so I ... apply now (November) or take the January LSAT Flex hoping for a ...
... time May was the only flex scheduled and it felt like ... 168 and was registered for November as well hoping that I ... of my slump by the November exam.. but alas it wasn ...
Looking for someone to BR with for the May 2020 Flex Sample LSAC recently released on lawhub. Thinking of taking it either this Saturday or Sunday and BRing shortly after. Average PT hovering around169/170 with RC being my worst section and LG my best.