... the dates that the NovemberLSAT will be administered with ... br />
Saturday, November 7, 2020
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Wednesday, November 11, 2020 date. Im registered for the LSAT however I ...
... guys, quick question about the NovemberLSATdate:
I'm ... So, I was checking the November test registration deadline and its ... and then cancelling the November test if I do ... the registration deadline for the November test so folks could ...
... LSAT. I am currently unsure if I should register in November ... degree. So during November I would be knees ... ? Meanwhile taking the LSAT in January would allow ... am just wondering which LSATdate do you think it' ... expect improvement for the November one, or should ...
Hey everyone!
So that NovemberLSAT...quite an experience. It was ... they accept the January 26th LSAT, but their deadline is February ... it before because I thought November would be IT. But I ...
What do yall think is the latest LSATdate in order to give enough time to hand in applications as early as possible (September)? This is assuming that you havent done anything other than the LSAT for applications, such as essays and whatnot.
Hello to everyone taking the NovemberLSAT next week and I wanted to wish you good luck and tell you that we freaking GOT THIS IN THE BAG. We're gonna kill it and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
Curious if NovemberLSAT takers are taking it to apply this year or next year? Always curious because if its next year wouldnt you have plenty of time to keep studying and taking the LSAT early spring? If this year, then of course its the right move
Hi! I'm signed up for the NovemberLSAT and am currently scoring in the 167-169 range. Would anyone like to form a study group? I am looking for people to help keep each other accountable and form a study schedule! Leave your e-mail below if interested :)