Parking: Parking was fairly straight forward and ... . The meters to buy your parking pass were sort of difficult ... 're located near the elevators. Parking only cost about $5 for ...
Parking: Right next to the lecture ... Hall room. The parking is marked with a notice ... that it requires parking permit, but they said one ... up a notice next to parking notice that the LSAT test ...
During my junior year I was caught for plagiarizing. What had happened was that I had copied a few sentences verbatim from a friends study guide that we both put into an assignment. Our professor followed his "policy" (1st yr ...
I thought it started at noon (and have been taking PTs accordingly) but then I realized that my ticket says "check in no later than 12:30". So will the actual test start at around 1?
I just looked at my Academic Summary Report. First thought was.... WTF! This is so confusing. I have no idea what the first part is all about. I scrolled down to the bottom and saw a degree GPA, and a cumulative GPA. Which one is considered my LSDAS
Why is B wrong?
I thought it's good to know what the businessperson says is true or not...whether it makes sense or not.
(whether his reasoning leads to the providing another example it is but if not, what he said may not be ...