I'm taking the test tomorrow and I only have a printer with black & white ink to print out my ticket. My photo looks fine...is it okay that my ticket isn't in color?
... letter, as well as my ticket, had Saturday's test date ... be issuing me a new ticket with Monday's test date ... busiest building on this college campus and I swear the walls ...
So I was issued a speeding ticket ... that ended up being reduced in court to a parking ... specifically say not to report parking violations...I don't ... their request to not report parking violations, but I am ...
So in all the prep madness, I just now got around to printing my ticket. I now see that my photo is a little bit smaller than the requirement and shadows on my face. I took it with my phone. I'm freaking out. what should I do?
... bottle actually leaked on my ticket on the most important part ... , but the proctors accepted the ticket and then let me re ... so that a non-ripped ticket could go to the LSAC ... during the test.
... 2019 LSAT on BYU's campus. I'm trying to find ... out where on campus the test is actually administered ... I can print my admission ticket? Any information is appreciated! Thanks ...