If anyone else is applying to a dual degree program, would you be willing to swap personal statements?? Or if anyone wants to swap a law School PS with my MSW PS that would work too.I could really use some suggestions or feedback on my PS.
Hey guys, if anyone is interested in some help on LG please let me know. I’ve done every publicly available logic game multiple times. I’ve been helping students for about 3 months now!
Could use some fresh eyes on my personal statement draft. If anyone wants to swap for feedback let me know. I've hit some serious writing road blacks and I want it to be finished already!
I would highly appreciate it if someone was willing to read my personal statement and give feedback. I'm kind of lost as to what exactly I should focus on.
... month break because of a personal situation that arose. I got ... . If anybody thinks they can help me or knows someone who ... would be willing to help me, please reach out!
Not sure if this is a thing on these forums, but is anyone interested in swapping personal statements for feedback? I'm looking for general feedback plus a quick check for typos and am happy to do the same for someone else.