what is everyone using to study? Im taking the online Powerscore class rite now.Its super acceerlated so I plan on restudying and rewatching the videos once class is done shortly.
Eww, Powerscore. Read it twice, and felt as though I didn't take away anything I didn't already know from taking my first preptest completely on my own devices. They really over complicate pretty much everything they attempt to teach.
I agree with Cara. The symbology they used in the powerscore bibles was a lot more complicated than it had to be. Stick with JY's methods, they've proven to be simplistic and very effective.
Don't waste your money on Powerscore. I literally had to revert all my thinking when I converted to 7sage. And 7sage has helped me tremendously that I wish I had found it sooner than later. And its affordable. Win win.
I like 7sage's categorization (and overall LG advice) better than Powerscore's. I'd keep the PC book to do the games in the back of the book, but I'd use 7sage for the actual learning process.
... the logical reasoning bible from powerscore to study before i incorporated ... studying (mostly for games) and powerscore did this neat thing where ...