At the top of the problemset (where the highlighter, screen enlargement, and text size adjustments are), click on the clock-looking icon. You can change your time from "unlimited" to whatever you wish.
Could a list of where each of the problemset questions were pulled from please be provided somewhere, so that we can recreate the problem sets through the new drilling feature if we want to.
... can view your Custom Drill/Problemset explanations by going to the ... Drills tab then selecting the ProblemSet you took and tapping on ... ". Search for the custom drill set that you previously took, under ...
@simon170 so you'd recommend say, getting to the core curriculum problemset doing x amount and then waiting to do a blind review (i.e. opening different tabs for each problemset and treating it similar to a PT?)
... forgetting to blind review the problem sets at the end of ... point forward. Hopefully, being only 1/5 of the way through ... syllabus, it won't have set me back too much.
I don’t get this problem. Please tell me where my ... .com/lsat_explanations/lsat-20-section-1-question-24/ and yet I ... is greater than 200. My set up must be wrong.
Hi everyone, I'm making problem sets & forgot to add 1 question into the set. Does this mean I have to create the set all over again? Is there a button that would allow me to just edit and add 1 question instead of having to start from 0? Thanks