Ok so I'm doing my blind review, and when I initially did the test I chose the correct answer even though I wasn't happy with it because it seemed more like a sufficient assumption to me. I don't have the ultimate package so I don't have the explanation ...
For those who have a math or econ or business background.
We learned that of any financial or math model, there are 2 kinds of variables-Endogenous and Exdogenous. And from macro-econ or Linear Algebra, the change of an endogenous variable ...
I don't get the explanation for why A is right. All we know is that do produce a good meal you can't have bad food. That would seem to imply that you could have a good meal with mediocre food. So how can you then take the the next conditional relationship ...
I've spent about 30 minutes trying to figure out this question but it seems I've hit a wall. I was able to eliminate (A) and (D) quickly but had a hard time understanding what the "youngest" "oldest" phrases were referring to. I ...
I'm still trying to wrap my head around this question. I originally chose (C) thinking that it would close the gap between premises and conclusion, but realize now that it doesn't address the issue of cost. Can someone please provide a number example and ...
So on this question I was stuck between C and D (because each of these answer choices only talked about one of the two things: beetles or plants, but not how they compared to one another). However, the right answer happened to be E ( ...