... that No One Understands" PT84 S4 Q17 is where I pulling ... example from.
for example ... boards. The Correct answer to Q 17, will keep the **exact ...
Can somebody please explain the correct answer choice? I thought all of these answer choice were terrible/unsupported.
http://7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-53-section ...
Why is answer choice C correct? I thought this is a Most Strongly Supported question. I picked answer choice D thinking it is most supported since back then those who learned about natural processes through active learning where the only ones who learned ...
But I was under the impression that conditional statements are not comparisons. I read the first sentence as a comparison and therefore ignored it since I did not read it as a conditional statement. How should I have broken down the first sentence to see ...
Could anyone explain why D rather than C is correct?
P: (1) most of the new shows produced last year by WW were canceled;
(2) this year's new shows are all police dramas, and few police dramas have been popular in recent years
C: ...
This question went completely over my head and I still don't understand why the correct answer is (C) for all the tea in China. If someone could please explain this question it would be greatly appreciated!
For the June 2007 Prep Test, for Section 4 (RC) and question #13 ("Which of the following principles underlies the arguments in both passages?") I see why E is correct, but why is D incorrect ("The discovery of the neutrological ...
... on a reading comprehension question (PT19 S3 Q18). I was really ... />
https://7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-19-section-3-passage-3-passage ... />
Hey, guys! I'm having trouble understanding why B is incorrect. My reasoning for selecting B was that if the diseased male grouse were treated with antibiotics their sacs would show that they were infected and this strengthened the hypothesis because the ...