... but consistently low on the Reading Comprehension sections? I've ... consistently improve my score on readingcomp beyond the -6 to - ... myself short of time on readingcomp far more often than on ... find my blind review of readingcomp sections to be less helpful ...
I am wildly inconsistent in readingcomp. Some days I am -2 and others -10. I am thinking about reading the questions before I start reading the passage, similar to my approach with LR questions. Does anyone have personal feedback on this approach?
... 'm a reader. I love reading. However, I'm finding that ... to anxiety, not boredom) with ReadingComp. I'm concerned that on ... - I'm not talking about reading speed, as this is not ...
Question, while you're BRing with Step 2, after initially timing your work in a section, is there a more effective method of writing out the answer choices? Separate colored pen? Directly on the test versus on a separate sheet of paper? Gradually work to ...
I have run into a problem. Between Feb 2015 and June 2015 I did every preptest, except for 72, 73, and 74. Since June, in preparation for October, I have already done 72 and 73, and have only 74 left. My problem is that I think ...
How is answer A incorrect and E correct? First, where in the passage is E supported? I can't find it. Next, doesn't A capture not only the main point of the passage but also Goodrich's prescription in lines 40-43 and line 45? Goodrich doesn't think ...
Hi, I was looking at PT27 and found out that question 17 in Game 3 seemed quite odd. The answer is "E" here but I did not understand why it is so. The question asks " which of the following must be true" and "E" i think is only "partially" correct... ...
So I used to be averaging around -2 to -4 on the older RC passages but for some reason with most of the 50+ ones I've been taking, I always get around -7 to -9. I've been trying to change my method and lengthen the time I read the passage (used to do 2 ...
Hey, I'm looking for an alternative to The Trainer's explanation of 29:4:20. Id like to see what Jy has to say about this question because im still having trouble eliminating e. How do I look up particular questions from a prep test?
I've been working on this section for the last 6 months continuously and nothing seems to be working. Should I just skip a passage in Feburary? I'm going -12 on average every section.