... I say "doing a game," I mean on each ... I am attempting the game with a stopwatch until ... consist of attempting a single game3-4 times, along with ... reviewing a separate game from a previous day. In ... keep track of the game attempted in an excel ...
... is **_the action_** in the game?
-Are there are inferences ... upon a historical precursor in game history for a general ... approach the game. Take for instance: *spoiler* PT C game 4 is ... pretty similar to PT 72 game 4 ...
I just printed out PT40, situation normal. I would say that problem is a toner/ink issue but you seem to have ruled that out... might be a browser thing... maybe.
... have been doing 6 section PT's to great effect (full ... PT plus 2 from another random PT in a 3-break-3 format ... ve done four 6 section PT's and I find my ... needed after a 6-section PT though so it may not ... points lower than my best PT, all of which were just ...
@ChaimtheGreat I believe the 4th game was the historical precursor to PT 72-game 4. The two games are really similar. They both have a similar key inference to them. -4 is good on that set first time through for sure.
... " I do about one PT every 2-3 weeks. Sorry for putting ... mind. I generally take a PT on saturday, i'll BR ... , I have only taken 4 PT's since finishing the CC ... -all I have only 2 PT's since I started working ...
... my first post-cc PT was only about 3 points higher than ... I would do about 1 PT's worth of timed sections ... week and then a full PT under timed conditions on ... you're only doing 1 PT per week max starting ... every question from a PT you took 3 months earlier. Or even ...
... we could start with PT 36 passage 3 and then move to ... PT's 42 and 45 ... Sections 4 and 3 respectively ... comparative passages. Section two from PT's 54 and 55 are ... take either of those as PT's in the near future ...
Great to see there's even more interest! I'm moving to a new city tomorrow with a three hour time change so how would this Saturday at 11 PST work to look at PT 42 passage 4 and PT 45 passage 3?
... true. Although, I feel like game3 is usually the hardest and ... less. Almost always, the first game is pretty easy, often a ... a 3 difficulty to me, game3 is a 5, and then game is ...
... I have trouble with certain game types, but I mostly ... to be slightly more difficult, game3 often the most difficult, and ... game 4 difficult but slightly easier than 3. But, that ... though. Sometimes there are certain game types that you always find ...
... to be slightly more difficult, game3 often the most difficult, and ... game 4 difficult but slightly easier than 3. But, ... agree the general pattern that game3 has been the most ... but the unpredictability of game to game difficulty makes me think ...
I need to confirm that I’m not crazy, but did anyone think one of the LR questions on passwords and security looks like a similar question from a previous PT? I had 3 LRs so I don’t know if it’s experimental or not
I definitely didn't do so well on the LSAT. I didn't finish RC and LG. RC was a complete nightmare, idk what happened. I skipped game3, and did game 4 and didn't have time to finish game3.