Hey there! Looking to meet virtually with a group (1x a week minimum) and review concepts/help eachother with PT/PQ's. Comment below if interested! I am a rising junior and I plan on taking the April 2024 LSAT, applying in 2024 for the 2025 cycle.
T- 1.3 hr (lessons)(rounded to ... notes and stuff)
W- 1.6 hr (lessons)(rounded to 2 ... on important terms
Fri-1.8 hr( lessons and notes ...
Yea I agree. RC has always been an issue for me, and I don't know if PT67 had a really difficult RC section compared to others or if it just played my weak areas, but I got -11! Which pummelled by score and my confidence.
... would advise against writing another PT today. Like I said in ... days before the test, NO PT's are going to save you ... . However, it will be a PT I have done before and ... than good. Just saying, it's ultimately up to you, but ...
Man if I could get to -1 on LG I'd be set. Dream school is UVA, but don't have a shot unless I can crack 170, which I would have on every PT if I had -1 on LG :/ I guess I'm just being impatient, can't expect to master these in a few weeks....
The exception appears in PT 36, S 3, #14. But in that case the right answer choice has the negation of most. I think in that case the issue is not the word "most", since even if we replace "most" with "some" it still works.
... advice is to take a PT tomorrow. Wake up, eat breakfast ... down and take a PT(can be 4 sections, doesnt matter) do ... way. If you take this PT and felt great and in ...
... more standard in the 50's but also the LG Rule ... began sometime in the late PT 50's. In recent years LG ... "harder" into the PT 60's and 70's. This is all subjective ... versus say 15-22ish. It's possible the hardest or second ...