This question went completely over my head and I still don't understand why the correct answer is (C) for all the tea in China. If someone could please explain this question it would be greatly appreciated!
I've spent about 2 hrs dissecting this question and I just DO NOT understand it. At all. I've looked at discussion boards, books, everything. Please, for the love of God, HELP!
I'm really having trouble with this question. Am I supposed to approach it as a sufficient assumption question though it's a flaw question? Thanks in advance!
For the June 2007 Prep Test, for Section 4 (RC) and question #13 ("Which of the following principles underlies the arguments in both passages?") I see why E is correct, but why is D incorrect ("The discovery of the neutrological ...
Even though this question is old, it has several lessons built into it. I was able to parse this question out mainly because of the lessons on 7Sage. The first lesson I see with this question is the importance of being attuned to the grammar of the LSAT ...
Hey, guys! I'm having trouble understanding why B is incorrect. My reasoning for selecting B was that if the diseased male grouse were treated with antibiotics their sacs would show that they were infected and this strengthened the hypothesis because the ...
Can someone help me understand the following phrase within the stimulus?
"This willingness is even more revealing than is good-natured acquiescence in having others poke fun at one".
This is killing me! Why can JNOP be a correct answer just because we happened to pick J first? Okay, if J is the necessary then O and N can go in too and also because they are OR groups and so both can be in S okay. But then why can't be ...
I'm confused as to how this method can be used to compare chess-playing programs - to get the question right it seemed like you needed to know that you are only comparing one chess playing program to ...
Did anyone else get rid of A and C and choose B because it seemed as though A and C were essentially the same answer and therefore neither one of them could have been correct?
Does anyone know whats the **mastery lesson** JY is alluding to in this video explanation:
I'd be very curious to know how we can go from: ...