This question went completely over my head and I still don't understand why the correct answer is (C) for all the tea in China. If someone could please explain this question it would be greatly appreciated!
Hello 7sagers, does anyone have any idea how to get the correct answer of question 20 of the second section of logical reasoning from dec 15 lsat? Trying to diagram out the conditionals and am struggling. My tutor couldn't even figure out this question.... ...
Could someone please explain why answer A is correct. I can get there by process of elimination as I understand fully why the other answers are incorrect. But I'd really like to ...
For the June 2007 Prep Test, for Section 4 (RC) and question #13 ("Which of the following principles underlies the arguments in both passages?") I see why E is correct, but why is D incorrect ("The discovery of the neutrological ...
Can someone please explain why AC E is wrong? I understand why D is the correct AC but I am having trouble eliminating E, more importantly I am having trouble understanding what E is saying in the first place. Thank you!
I just can't even understand what this question is saying, let alone understand the logic underneath it. Can someone shed some light as to what makes this stimulus so hard to understand?
If someone can really break this down that would be ...
I think this is the first question I've come across that I truly don't understand. I don't think I'm getting what the "obvious alternative" is. Not sending police officers? Dying here, plz help.
... proper BR score. While I PT I flag the questions I ... score the timed PT and the BRd PT B) Do flagged questions ... then score the timed PT and BRd PT?
C) Score the ... Bad PT twice: once after doing flagged ...
I'm a bit confused about the answer choice D. #help
**Premise 1**: Each of the EMP winners from the past 25 years covered by Acme retirement plan
**Intermediate Conclusion/Premise 2**: the Acme Plan offers the ...
I'm confused as to how this method can be used to compare chess-playing programs - to get the question right it seemed like you needed to know that you are only comparing one chess playing program to ...
Answer choice C: "it is compatible either with accepting the conclusion or denying it"
I have seen this answer choice in other AP questions and want to make sure I understand what it means. From my understanding, this answer choice is an ...
Hi all - I'd really appreciate your help on understanding the argument in this question.
I get the gap in this question is that just because first doctrine states that "all historical events must be explained in economic factors" doesn't ...
Are there two flaws in this stimulus? Armand is a mathematician so interior ministry isn’t his area of expertise and even if he doesn’t think the program is successful it doesn’t necessarily mean the figures are inaccurate?
The thing I don’t get is ...
I don't get the correct answer choice for this question. Initially, I thought the argument part is the background problem that the stimulus is resolving. Let me know your thoughts on how to get to the right answer.