Can anyone explain why S3 Q24 on PT 93 is B and not C? I know C has the conclusion less clearly delineated but other than that it seems to match up slightly better.
Sharing afew LR problems with conditional language I'd saved over the past few months:
PT09 S2 Q13
PT51 S1 Q21
PT51 S3 Q14
PT51 S3 Q19
PT60 S3 Q12
PT71 S3 Q11
PT71 S3 Q17
First sentence I diagrammed as: wind & below 84-> pleasant. The second part of this question I diagrammed as : above 84 or no wind ->oppressive. I incorrectly got answer choice (B) it has something to do the the humidity but I was able to add ...
I tried to diagram the premise in this question and I get R-->BOC. I picked an Idea "not rational" and negated it and made it the sufficient. But this is quite different from what you give in the video explanation (not BOC -->R) . What am I doing ...
Would it be possible to get some advice on this question? I'm lacking a way to do this problem methodically and quickly.
Help! I can't wrap my head around this one AT ALL. I'm not even sure what the conclusion is.