I'm trying to figure out if my reasoning for eliminating all of the incorrect answer choices is sound. If you have time, or have done the question already, it'd be great to hear how ...
I'm not sure how to understand why the right answer is right. The business student in me says E is the most right but I can understand why it's not 'the' right answer.
I'm ...
This was pretty tricky, and I got it right, but I still don’t have a good understanding of what is technically wrong with A. How is answer choice A not directly contradicting one of P’s premises? It must not because it isn’t the right answer choice. ...
Hello, could anyone explain to me why the answer is B and not A. Isn't the argument centred around reduction in capital gains tax and how they would lead to increase in deficit?
The answer for this question is E. I don't think any of the answers really have a logic structure that parallels to that of the stimulus. For the stimulus I got:
I chose B under timed conditions but switched to A in BR.
My issue with B is that there are no "potential" criminals here. If B said "nothing should be done to protect criminals at the cost of placing restrictions on law-abiding citizens" ...
For Q4: I thought D was totally wrong and I was completely sure of it because I thought to myself, "How could we possibly know what's in the best interest for the military?" I fell for answers ...
What I wrote down for BR: I do not see an answer choice that really strengthens Ms. Fring's argument. However, if a company follows an experts advice and the result was very little profit(ac E) I believe that would be a substantial example allowing us to ...
Although I was able to get the right answer, I am not sure if my identification of the main conclusion was correct. Can anybody help me with this, please. Thank you in advance!!
I am just really confused of why the right answer is B.
My thought process was this:
C: It is advisable for businesses to implement such variations.
Why? because of all the information above. When I read this I thought there ...