I hate that I'm getting stumped by a question this early in the section, but I've gotten this wrong both timed and also during blind review. I keep choosing C, although the answer is ...
Does the stimulus in this question illustrate a causal relationship between the Sumerian's inability to support agriculture and its collapse? I'm wondering if the second to last ...
Hi, I was wondering whether anyone could explain why E is correct.
I was not sure about E because it says more than half of the students received a grade of B-or higher, but I ...
I just had to stop drilling for a second because I came across this question and was amazed at how incredibly sexist it is. Shame
on the lsat writer smdh. There are 3 answer ...
Hi, I have a question...
I eliminated B because of the word "most." If this says all or significantly large or something like that, it was easier to see it's the correct ...
I was not sure between B and D...
As for D, I thought the word "It fails to address..." Does the argument have to address it? I thought if so to make an argument people would ...
Why exactly are C and E incorrect? After mulling over this question for nearly half an hour I can't seem to figure it out.
Im having problems eliminating answer A for this question. Can anyone explain why it is wrong?
So the correct answer is A. I'm really confused by the answer choices and the stimulus.
When I read it, I initially thought this is an extreme example that uses examples within examples because the whole point of the example is that people ...
Are "pharmacological intervention in the brain's neurochemistry" and"chemical changes in the brain" meaning the same thing? They are interchangeable? Otherwise I don't understand why the answer is B... ...
I am having a lot of trouble seeing how C and D are not saying the same exact thing. Here is how I broke down the structure of the argument.
I found this comment posted on the PT explanation page And I was wondering if anyone could answer what this person has to say because I'm in the same exact position as this them. If you could watch the pt explanation video or look at the question than look ...
Are the words "all potential" just meant to throw us off?
I am curious to see if anyone can tell me why they use the term "all potential"nuclear reactor sites in such a region.... why did they not just say "nuclear reactor sites in such a ...
Intuitively I thought what said in the argument is contradicting...I thought people usually learn from history and as they increase knowledge about history, they will know better about what is good or bad. (Do people read passages/stimuli related to your ...
Question 18 talks about the columnist and taking a strong position. I have had several people try to diagram this in conditional statements and I still don't understand 1. my task and 2. how to diagram this in conditionals, and how to get to the answer ...
The conclusion here is that "crying must have the effect of reducing emotional stress".
The first time I read the stimulus I thought the flaw/gap here was; we are not sure that crying itself decreases stress, maybe the hormones causes the ...
Can someone please explain in a real simple way I read the explanation but I just don't get it with these types of questions
Thank you in advance
lawlz so this question is a monster, but watching JY's explanation helped.
He explains that the larger argument pattern is:
A --> absurd
the stimulus it says "getting more calories" on the other hand D says "uses more calories" I thought the two are different things...why D strengthen the stimulus?
I'm trying to understand where my thinking went wrong here, because the truth is that even after spending a lot of time with this question, I know I could make the same ...