The explanation video for Q11, PTM20 talks about two approaches for solving suspension questions, i.e. knock out and squeeze in. Where in the CC can I find the detailed tutorial for such approaches? Thanks a lot!
Anyone working on this PT and want to BR with me?
I'm doing the flex version, timed. I typically get -0 on LG so not really looking to BR there, but if you want to I can.
My last PTs are around 170. Booked for June test, my first ( ...
Question begins:
"The complex ecosystem of the North American prairie has largely been destroyed..."
I found the correct conclusion, but I got tripped up on the paraphrase. I don't see how "returning as much land as possible to an ...
I cannot for the life of me understand how to arrive at the answer to this question. I mapped the biologist's reasoning as Deforestation>/Koalas, and I mapped the politician's as K>/Deforestation. So in order for the politician to be right, we must ...
Is this a correlation-causation argument because it assumes that the increase in high school dropouts is the only thing that is causing the increase in recruitment among 18 year olds? And why would the author draw such a conclusion?
How is E correct? It appears to be supporting the conclusion not weakening it. My understanding of the argument's Conclusion is that it's telling environmentalists to relax because nature is going to adjust itself to the rising levels of the atmosphere.
I am really struggling with reading this chain. I was under the understanding that two "some" statements lead to an invalid argument, so I didn't think we could make a Must Be True statement. How do you read the chain to get to the correct AC?
How can we assume that answer choice B assumes an ice age period? I agree that: given we are in an ice age the concentration of oxygen 18 is increased but I switched my answer because that explicitness is not present and we know only in an ice age period ...
I have no idea what C is trying to say, and no clue how can C be the answer that provides an alternative explanation to why the scientists are discrediting Smith. Can someone give an explanation? Thanks
My understanding is that in normal times, water vapor from ocean contains a heavier proportion of oxygen-18. However, if that water vapor is not retuning to the Ocean during ice ages, but getting trapped in glaciers, wouldn't that mean the ocean has _LESS_ ...
I honestly didn't see the flaw when I first did this question and am wondering how people who did see the issue manage to go about solving these questions.
Are these two questions basically twins? Or are they different? If they are ...
I just couldn't anticipate the flaws with either of these questions and would like to know how people who got these correct went about doing them. My pre-phase going into the answer choices was that there wasn't a perfect correlation in the premises and so ...
Looking for another opinion on this question regarding the stimulus. This passage strikes me as having a sub sub conclusion, as in 3 conclusions total. Do you see that ...
If someone has done this question about water vapor and oceans and got it correct: can you please explain to me? I am not understanding the correlation between precipitation and the concentration of oxygen in seawater. I chose A originally if someone can ...
Hi everyone! I am a little confused on this question, specifically on Answer Choice E.
Because it is a Pattern MOR Q, I broke down the logic in the stimulus too:
B -> D or J
D or J m-> QP
B probably QP
I represented ...
I'm confused on what ac B is trying to convey. Is it trying to state that he should not have inferred that just because some people did not like the segment, others must have OR is it stating that he should have inferred but did not that since some did not ...
Could someone help me with this question? I find the stimulus itself really confusing, and would really appreciate it if someone could explain the stimulus and answer choices. Thanks so much!