Help! I can't wrap my head around this one AT ALL. I'm not even sure what the conclusion is.
I am having a hard time ruling out A. If black water comes into the bay ONLY once every two centuries, how can the conclusion be a comparative statement, saying that it did not reach ...
I'm not sure why A is wrong...if the number of consumer increased between before the ad. is aired and after the ad. is aired, wouldn't that explain the ad. is actually effective?
Or...I thought it shows evidence of what is ...
I got this one right almost instinctively (I didn't map this out), but I have a question about the phrase "**_can best be explained if_**" in the second sentence of the ...
If anyone decides to help me out, please read everything I have asked because I feel that 95% of the comments I get don't answer everything I ask and I often leave with the same number of questions. And yes, I have already looked at Manhattan and ...
Sharing afew LR problems with conditional language I'd saved over the past few months:
PT09 S2 Q13
PT51 S1 Q21
PT51 S3 Q14
PT51 S3 Q19 PT60S3 Q12
PT71 S3 Q11
PT71 S3 Q17