Can someone please explain this? I got the right answer but I can't justify my reasoning
I am making a spread sheet of the questions that I got wrong in this section and I am needing some help. Can someone please help me I am stuck. I am re-writing the question stem in a ...
any advice for getting out of the mid 150's? My last 4 PT's have been 155-156, with a highest of 157. My LR average is 15-19, LG average 17-20, RC average 15-17. Was there anything you guys did differently that pushed you into 160's?
Can somebody please explain the correct answer choice? I thought all of these answer choice were terrible/unsupported. ...
I just wanted to hear other people's thoughts on this question. It just felt totally weird to me, it seemed like the correct answer choice was inconsequential compared to the central ...
So I was blowing through the games section of section 4 and then I got to this last game with about 13-15 minutes to spare. I saw that there were only two rules given and knew that I had ...
Is it possible to ask for an explanation for this question. I do not understand why the answer is E and not C. Thanks!
admin note: explanation added!
I've done hundreds of LR questions and I was never this lost with a question. Got this right because the rest of the answers weren't compatible with the argument, but I have no idea why (C) is correct. I really would appreciate a detailed explanation for ...
I'm having some serious trouble with this game. Any thoughts/suggestions? I've done other sequencing games with conditional rules, of course, but nothing as open ended as this one. Can ...
At first, I thought the answer might be (D) since before I saw the answer choices I noticed that there is a problem in assuming that atmospheric ozone levels are equal in every global ...
Im having trouble understanding why B is the correct answer. I read over the stimulus several times over, but for some reason could not figure it out. I was hoping I could receive ...