I do not understand the difference between answer choice C and D. How do you suggest that I decipher between two choices that are so close. I tried to incorporate them into the passage and incorrectly thought that D was a winner.
Ok..I feel there is just no way I could have got this question. It is a most strengthen question and I feel the answer choice weakens the argument. The job is to sure up the fact that a volcanic event is the probable cause rather than meteorites. The ...
Hello, I was hoping you could help me out with this question. I originally had it down to C and E and chose E for the following reason:
Wouldn't answer choice E strengthen the conclusion in that companies that obtain would be more likely to ...
This question asks us to identify a flaw.
Attorney: I ask you to find Mr.Smith guilty of assaulting Mr.Jackson. Regrettably, there were no eyewitness to the crime but Mr.Smith ...
My videos keep freezing at random spots and don't restart after waiting sometimes up to 20+ minutes....tried three browsers and same issue, though sometimes just refreshing will cause the video to reload.
Can someone please help me out with this question? It's really doing my head in.
Would A still be correct if it was phrased: Skiff's book will be published this year if it is ...