JY dismisses putting [I: V-Y-W-V] because you can't have two different game pieces in the middle two slots. Can someone help elaborate on this? I believe (A) could be correct, and I don't understand the reasoning here.
I answered this question correct the first time around, and then when completing the blind review I changed my answer and got it incorrect. This question is very tricky when reading it for the first time. I changed my answer because I could not logically ...
Stimulus says: Manners are necessarily social (i.e. manners require a social element). Morals are not necessarily social (i.e. morals do not require a social element). Rules of etiquette do not apply to situations with morals or manners alone.
Stimulus: Shoe factory employs more unskilled full time workers (W) than all other businesses in town combined.
If shoe factory closes, more than half of town RESIDENTS who are W will lose jobs.
I got this answer wrong and was unsure of my answer. Is the correct AC A right because it strengthens the premises to fill in a gap where the deer population increase after the hunting ban could still ...
How does the correct answer choice interact with the comparison to pharmaceutical drugs? If anything I would think this answer supports the position of the critic #help
For this question answer choice C is correct which makes sense to me. I picked D because I thought the analogy between car technology and computer technology worked well. My question is: are answer choices with analogies usually wrong on strengthening ...
Hi all! I am really struggling to understand why B is incorrect. I know now that D is the right option, but I'm not sure how to structurally identify why in other LR sections. I'd appreciate any help/explanations!
Potatoes -> has solanine (poisonous in large quantities) -most-> solanine in the skin.
Domestic potatoes -> has small quantities (so not poisonous)
Wild potatoes -> poisonous level of solanine (must be in large number).
So ...
Just a friendly reminder to read every single word throughout the stimulus and the answer choices. I blind reviewed this question for FAR too long and ended up not really seeing a clear difference between any of the answer choices. When something is not ...
Reading the stimulus, I thought there was the following logical gap in Anita's claim:
having a quandary about newsworthiness(the premise) and the guidance being inadequate(the conclusion).
So I picked (D) since I thought it meant the ...
Hey! I remember reading somewhere or learning from an explanation video that in disagree questions each author must explicitly state the answer choice in order for it to be correct. Therefore, an answer choice wouldn't be correct if only one author ...