... of your concerns. I just want to ask three questions ... -35? It is part of 7Sage Curriculum. I think ... Bundle, take LG sections of PT 1-35 under time ... right answer choice (instead of brute force) and try ... want to say the levelof commitment you showed inspired ...
... for sufficiency necessity confusion. Some of these questions are really convoluted (like ... ); do you have the same levelof certainty as when mapping it ...
... />
do you have the same levelof certainty as when mapping it ... will say that the more questions like this I see, the ... more certain I am of my answer.
... concern is the reputation of my undergraduate institution. Because ... I'm a CFA Level 3 candidate, have published ... walk them through the levelof adversity I've had ... T-14 with grad-level education from better schools ... much of my time anymore to maintain. By the ...
A: By itself, it doesn't ... criteria which determines its levelof success is not the ... successful (in their interpretation of success) due to acting. ... disagree with this classification of success, but in this ... doing yourself any favors by accepting a wrong answer ...
... get yourself to the levelof being able to complete ... idea of picking the 3 passages with the most questions, with ... the caveat that 1 of your 3 ... is a little more of a warm up, but ... usually a passage with 5 questions, so depending on your ...
... neglect a true understanding of why an answer choice ... answer choices being wrong by virtue of using the words "some ... reasoning. Yes, strengthening/weakening questions have peculiar faults that other ... be prone to commit, by virtue of their construction, which ...
... balanced out by the curve or by easier questions on other parts of the ... you really make good use of it. Do a thorough ... out explanations for the hard questions you circled. Write down ... />
Without spoiling anything by mentioning content, here are some ...
... that given the limited amount of time you have on the ... the answer in RC is by elimination of the wrong answers, which ... you need a full context of the passage in mind to ... the questions, eliminate wrong answers, then confirm the right answer by referring ...
... just answer the questions to the best of your ability. ... they transform into different questions that it should feel ... worry about running out of practice material, in ... through so so many questions that you really ... question and its answer by the time you get ...
... it's also not one of those topics where I can ... I can say with some levelof confidence that I didn't ... " topic, and flaw questions are also kind of unmemorable at least for ...
By how much are your scores ... overarching goal behind SA questions, the role of anticipating the correct AC ... SA questions then become some of the easiest questions, and because of the intense ...
... but I'm the kind of person that dwells on ... allow for 15-20 minutes of Parks and Recreation (sub ... questions that creep up at night. I found that feeling some levelof ... it's a re-watch of an old episode so ... car alarms and all sorts of madness through the night ...
... You accomplish this by assessing your confidence level for each question ... the answer choices. Instead of reading each answer choice ... that extra 5% certainty by eliminating the remaining answer ... Push down the levelof confidence you require of yourself until you ...
... and more attachment to the levelof understanding you are able to ... 're only supposed to BR questions you aren't confident about ... , if it helps to think of it this way, place more ...
... do you study? How many questions or sections do you do ... everyday and either a section of LR (or the equivalent) or ... I do any set amount of the problem sets, but when ... medium and 1-2 of the hardest levelof the problem sets.
... download previous data on the Questions Table tab (at the very ... not give you a side by side of answers, but the easiest ... />
For side by side,
2) Leave all of your answers ... the notes. Then transfer all of your original answers to the ...
... />
I feel like the first levelof things "clicking" (probably good ... .5 months of studying. I probably did 1000+ questions while drilling ... much and I've sort of developed some pattern recognition ... I began to see inference questions as pretty much all following ...
... 7Sage is better just by virtue of the fact you get ... it uses a lot of new questions that get burned up ... . I think they sort of count on you doing a ... error approach through the ton ofquestions they give you in ... at the cost of burning a bunch of stuff from the ...
... very supportive. I think most of the gains I have made ... LSAT studies have been because of the people. I came to ... a lot of BR calls and asked questions, and by comparing how ...
... t recommend doing any questions until you've studied the ... studied the fundamentals, doing questions will be little better than ... be detrimental to answer any questions correctly because you would ... it's correct. This levelof understanding is much more important ...
... of quantity? After all hard questions are just combinations of easier questions ... doing a great quantity of games is binary. First ... solve them efficiently is by recognizing game breaking inferences. ... and solve many of the variations of games. The second ...
I don't fall into the range specified by your post but I just wanted to swing by to tell you that I respect you undertaking the LSAT journey at 40+ If you ever have any specific questions about different aspect of the exam, don't hesitate to post them.
... either overestimating your understanding of games, or else you ... are underestimating the effects of pressure. Those really seem ... material and remaining unaffected by pressure. Those two things ... will directly improve your levelof understanding, which in turn ...
So, for sufficient assumption questions, that rule is going ... />
For strengthen questions, I can conceive of how they might ... weak, of course, but that levelof subtlety is ... exactly what makes strengthen (and conversely, weaken) questions ...
Yeah, I had a lot of trouble with this as well ... is such a big, nebulous concept. One thing that really helped ... with a levelof familiarity which serves to heighten your levelof comprehension of the ... to see the underlying mechanics of how RC gets constructed, ...
... if you can get it by approaching it from that angle ... assumes that there is one levelof abstraction for calculus. In fact ... " calc, etc). E sort of addresses this by saying that we shouldn ... 't consider the levels of abstraction ...
... who can handle the levelof abstraction involved in the ... to the argument by claiming that the levelof abstraction involved ... pre-university students. Of course the levelof abstraction matters, otherwise ... falls apart. If the levelof abstraction should not be ...
... PT a week (followed by extensive blind review--not necessarily ... able to maximize the benefits of you're studying process. ... without fearing the disappointment of a lower-than-expected score ... through those questions much quicker.