... myself am not incredibly LSAT-savvy, so I can ... course.
ForLSAT questions, I gather all of ... s outside our control. For example, how well ... we have an amazing LSAT course:
http:// ... 7sage.com/lsat-course-reviews/
... For example, if you're applying to Harvard and your LSAT ... number but somewhere in between for the other.
< ... the 50th to 75th forLSATfor some schools, again, ... well) above the 75th LSAT percentile, especially if you ... and over the 75th LSAT means you are a ...
@stgl1230 what would you consider around the 25th percentile forLSAT and the 50th percentile or median for GPA? Is that considered a reach prospect? Is there a way to quantify a person's chances in this scenario? I am talking about mainly T14 schools.
... consider around the 25th percentile forLSAT and the 50th percentile or ... median for GPA? Is that considered a ... 25th percentile LSAT and 50th GPA is definitely a reach for T14s ...
... finally decided to withdraw Feb LSAT. I felt underprepared and ... master degree while preparing for June/Oct LSAT.
& ... if you keep working on LSAT your skills will definitely improve ... will not show on future LSAT registration. You are good ...
Oh that's no good. Because when I study forLSAT is use an app called Selfcontrol which blocks youtube but it also blocks 7sage videos unless I ask it to load the alternative player. :'(
... partner? lol After studying forLSAT that's like an alien ... doing the assigned reading for two classes. I'm ... I get back into LSAT studying mode-I hit ... month away from actual LSAT studying will feel great. ... to all of the LSAT prep: my reading comprehension ...
Khan Academy is a great math resource as well. It's great to work through it in general, but forLSAT, just pulling out the lessons on percentages would be really helpful.
> @CinnamonTea said:
> Hi all,
> I know that LSAC says to take PT under true timed conditions, which includes a 5th (experimental) section. However JY mentioned in the core curriculum that he didn't think the difference ...
Not sure what to make out of this. I took GRE 6 yrs ago and got 800 on verbal after studying for 2 weeks. I'm here studying forlsat which has taken me months... (And still a long way to go).
... am planning to start studying forLSAT, trying to figure out a ... date. You can take the LSAT whenever you are ready so ... on timed practice exams. The LSAT is the most important part ... would recommend the Ultimate + package. For the money there is no ...
... only one I will use for the LG section. Between using ... using a pencil while studying forLSAT, I've developed carpal tunnel ... but it still makes writing for long periods difficult. Using the ... difficulty. And they stay sharp for much longer than other pencils ...
... guess once you have mastered LSAT it does get "simpler". LSAT and would like to score ... I had plans to study forLSAT during undergrad and I did ... learn differently and sometimes with LSAT, more often than not, it ...