Hi all. I've finally finished my LSAT studying journey, so first of all: **THANK YOU 7sage, and THANK YOU Mike Kim!!** I'm very grateful to those two systems, which allowed me to reach my goals after around 10 months.
Reading comprehension; my mostdifficult to improve, yet imo the ... most valuable to work on from ... . To me, it's the most apt testing of one's ... a professional tutor and will most likely deviate in some areas ...
For most law students, Biglaw hiring begins ... Successfully**
**The most important factor for recruiting is ... choose between. It’s difficult not to get dazzled ... />
This is probably the mostdifficult question to answer because let ...
what is the distribution shape? If there are 25 problems in each LR section, how many problems are 1 star, 2 star, 3, star, 4 star, and 5 star respectively?
This happens to me with Logical Reasoning, I go back and review the mostdifficult ones but once only one or two minutes are left I focus on my breathing and being ready to really attack the next section.