... maximizing how you use your time. By that I mean, ... endless cycle of reading and re-reading. Major time sink, that's ... come back if you have time. You want to make ... in "high-pressure-holy-shit-time's-running-out" mode. ... are giving you a hard time. It's a lot ...
... fundamentals. If I'm having timeissues, it doesn't mean I ... decide to "start over" time and time again. Its funny how you ... . It ironically, it just takes time...
@"Cant Get Right" @Mookittyy @MrSamIam, as of not my logic games i am getting 3 wrong, my LR I am getting between 7- 9 wrong in each section and my readingcomp I am getting 5-9 wrong.
... answer choices markedly improved in reading comprehension. My biggest beef with ... feel the best method for readingcomp is to use paragraph structure ...
@twssmith - you mention not trying new strategies on new PT's - has it been helpful to your RC to re-do old readingcomp sections? how long do you wait until you re-do them?
... specifically. Even beyond that though, timeissues very often come down to ... withdrawing from September if the time comes and you’re not ... , four months is not enough time to maximize our score potential ...
@ppcoelho1 said:
Does anyone have any recommendations for drilling passages or sections or any advice? please be as specific as possible!! it will be very appreciated
I would recommend drilling lots of RC passages untimed. ...
@"Laura Marie" said:
Has anyone else used Elevate?
I have!!!!!!!!!! although I've been slacking lately it really is awesome and fun! there's one part that reminds me a lot of readingcomp but I forgot the name of that section haha