Congratulations!!! That is an amazing score increase! Do you have any readingcomprehension tips or timing strategies to share? I'm really struggling in these areas :neutral:
@LSATcantwin That's awesome. I've been reading the Economist for a couple weeks now, and it has helped me read more efficiently. Just out of curiosity, how were you with RC at the start? Was it your worst section?
... here. I am struggling with readingcomprehension as well. I was ... games and feel weird that readingcomprehension is my lowest because ... What I began doing is reading each passage and creating a ... make 0 sense because when reading novels or textbooks it ...
Yes - the ReadingComprehension section is worth more ... section when I began reading every single day for ... to be necessary. Find reading material you can read ... stick to it. Your ReadingComprehension score will improve with your ... and with better comprehension.
Reading the Economist for the art and science passages has helped me a ton, if you get a subscription you can load up all the older magazines, it'll help you grow your subject knowledge so you can understand passages better
What has helped me is pretending I'm fascinated by every readingcomprehension I come across, and reading it that way. In my head, I'm like "Oh, the Internet and privacy laws in the 80s? Interesting!!"
... concentration while going through the ReadingComprehension CC lessons. It was shocking ... habit. Implementing the summaries while reading has really helped me stay ...
I've found that doing full sections + blind review has been pretty helpful for ReadingComprehension, since managing pace, shifting between disparate topics, and keeping short-term memory very active are some of the challenges of the section.