... mentor would be the first one I'd ask for a letter ... ago.
As forthe letter not being relevant to the "current you" - I ... think a lot of the ... qualities schools are looking for are fairly lasting ...
... That's certainly the case for a lot of the people on 7Sage ... a few open slots for semi-unicorns: the people who started with ... ahead and take the test. If you're not, postpone to ... s even harder for us to know - but go forthe score, notforthe timeframe.
... br />
2. Annotate forthe details notthe big picture. The big picture you've ... The details are the things you'll need to look back for.
3. Try not ... to return to the passage if ...
... 'm sure someone in the community can. As for two months being ... able to really get through the curriculum though and get into ... some thorough BR. The mentor's will be along ... more advice. Just prepare forthe test, not necessary a test date. I ...
... to the park is sufficient fornot seeing Mike, while not seeing ... : going to the park is sufficient forthe birds not being there, ... which is sufficient for seeing Mike? The relationship of the ... a sufficient condition forthe other.
Thanks forthe comments. @"Not Ralph Nader" thanks forthe link. I feel like I've read Pacifico's post sometime before but forgot about it. I think I will go get myself a binder now.
Does this apply across the board? So that if there ... indicator in a statement, say for an NA question, I should ... always negate that rather than the necessary indicator? Words like can ... , must etc.
As an Ultimate+ member, I would just read RC passages from 1-35. Going through them in detail and readingforthe right things (structure, purpose, tone, etc), is the best way to prep.
... tests required for law school admissions. ... In the end, we ... the admissions process, to the benefit of students, schools, and the ... is necessary due to the wide variation between universities ... like he is advocating forthe ABA not requiring any standardized test ...
> Hi @"Alex Divine" , the points you mentioned are quite ... regarding my reading practice. When I go through the article, I ... practice doing the actual questions rather than just reading a passage ... done a good job at readingforthe right things.
... still worry about being away for law school. I think she ... , and ask forthe numbers, not just "it's fine". The old scale is ... my husband to watch for postpartum depression, but not a single one ... said to watch for thyroid disease ...
... long step away from the test in awhile? Not like 2-3 ... the LSAT. You are changing the way your brain works by studying forthe ... LSAT, not cramming for a test.
... long step away from the test in awhile? Not like 2-3 ... the LSAT. You are changing the way your brain works by studying forthe ... LSAT, not cramming for a test.
> ... ’t be ready for when i want to take the test. I ...
... step away from the test in awhile? Not like 2-3 ... the LSAT. You are changing the way your brain works by studying forthe ... LSAT, not cramming for a test.
& ... />
You should definitely put the test down for at least a week ...
... long step away from the test in awhile? Not like 2-3 ... the LSAT. You are changing the way your brain works by studying forthe ... LSAT, not cramming for a test.
& ... You should definitely put the test down for at least a week ...
... long step away from the test in awhile? Not like 2-3 ... the LSAT. You are changing the way your brain works by studying forthe ... LSAT, not cramming for a test.
& ... You should definitely put the test down for at least a week ...
... aim to be ready forthe test, not aim to take ... on weekends and spend the week slowly getting through ... my first PT after the curriculum. I attribute it ... of my plateau. Check out the 7sage tutors.
for yourself to unwind after work anymore. I try not ...
... think about it, study forthe LSAT, and look ... gt; Thanks forthe lecture...
> Not taking any ... I understand the employment rates, but thanks forthe info anyway ... you're missing the reasoning structure needed forthe comprehension section. ...
Thanks forthe input. Not really counting on any T ... to use the Starter courser forthe CC but purchase the newer exams ... forthe PT instead of the older exams . 7sage has all the LG answers for ... you can find other explanations forthe other 2 section online. ...
... br />
> Thanks forthe input. Not really counting on any ... to use the Starter courser forthe CC but purchase the newer ... forthe PT instead of the older exams . 7sage has all the LG answers for ... can find other explanations forthe other 2 section online. ...
... of that population) forthe stimulus not explicitly stating that the survey population is ... a representative of the whole, and for it making statements about ... (A) by the reasoning that one should not doubt the representativeness of a ...
... forthe dilution to be ten parts of water to fungicide forthe plants not ... being harmed. Then he/she says that it has the ... we know that the only way forthe plants not being harmed is one ...