@anthonycaramanica, the LSAT documents status icons on the LSAC website are green until the day they update your score information & they turn grey until they have finally uploaded all of the PDFs.
Schools only see your score when you apply. When you send a report with your application they receive your score and receive any updates to your score down the line.
Speaking of LSAT & without making a new thread- does anyone know if one can view their GPA on the LSAC once all transcripts are in or can we only see that via the Report(s) we pay to have prepared? -do we even get to see those or just the law schools?
@"Cant Get Right" maybe when the law school sees your LSAT report sheet the percentile grade is already there? I'm just curious because wouldn't that be more fair through out the years?
@"Alex Divine" I looked into ABA report of Brooklyn Law and it seemed fine to me. I am not planning on going there, but out of curiosity what makes an ABA report a bad one?
It seemed like a lot of 2015 graduates secured a job.