... is possible. I suggest you retakein July (since you can cancel ... score) and aim to apply in October. You can do this ... chance that I might get in with this score or is ...
... is possible. I suggest you retakein July (since you can cancel ... score) and aim to apply in October. You can do this ... chance that I might get in with this score or is ...
... I'm graduating college in May and looking to ... some incredibly airtight review and in-depth studying, and I ... to 6-months if I retakein September). I also sort ... trial and taking again in September, but I'll ... time once I start working in mid-June).
> ...
Incompatible questions typically throw in a bunch of irrelevant stuff ...
I pay attention from "so in 1984" to "dramatically worse" ... Y (conclusion)". So I think in this format.
General ... don't see that exact format here, but [reiteration of ...
... be one hindrance of going digital for RC and games. in my mind quickly after reading ... technique for the whole passage indigital prep. It seems to not ...
@drbrown2 @FoolProofFun @"Mage of Reason" @LSATscrub @BlindReviewer Thank you all for nice tips! I took the June test, but I am contemplating a retakein September, so these tips might come in handy later.
... I heard it was mixed-digital I scrapped that and just ... around with the LSAT's digital practice thing and much prefer ... skim when I read anything indigital.
Plus eye fatigue. I ...
... the free retake for sept. So keep that in mind. The ... earliest you can use the free retake ... is October. I’m in a similar ... I need to cancel and retakein October, the score gains ... to wait when applying in the new cycle this ...
... with which you're happy in, say, October and can go ... and then maybe need to retakein November, etc. - suddenly you start ... . Just thought I'd chime in and give another opinion.
LR LG LR LR RC. First LR was very difficult. Thought RC was also harder than usual. I expected them to go a little easier on RC since it’s everyones first time with the Digitalformat.
... while indigital tester changes the lesson, stopping the digital tester ... changes. Now when the digital tester is showing questions ... answers that were already selected in the digital tester.
With the problem sets now live on digitalformat, you can just create a new problem set for each game that you're fool-proofing, that way your data from each attempt is saved.
... easiest way to break in the 160s is to ... I got two identical scores in the high 150s, it ... score but also decided to retakein October for scholarship reasons. ... NOT the most important things in my life).
You ... how I scored in that section in July but I ...
... />
> I am 100% interested in schools with strong public interest ... programs, and am in love with NYU and Berkeley ... all that said, should I retake?
Unless you really ... score and pay for a retakein November. It sounds like you ...
... easiest way to break in the 160s is to ... I got two identical scores in the high 150s, it ... score but also decided to retakein October for scholarship reasons. ... NOT the most important things in my life).
> ... how I scored in that section in July but I ...
@zacharytsmith26 According to them, they state that it will get faster as things get more comfortable with the digitalformat. However, I tend not to trust LSAC even though they seem well-intentioned.
Only problem I had with the digital test was highlighting during RC. I wasted a good solid five minutes trying to highlight with the stylus and my finger to no avail. Other than that everything was pretty similar to the 7sage digitalformat!
... get accepted somewhere I can retakein January for scholarship negotiation purposes ... better than waiting out to retakein January because January scores won ...
... get accepted somewhere I can retakein January for scholarship negotiation purposes ... better than waiting out to retakein January because January scores won ...
Totally depends on how you're feeling about dedicating the time and energy. I could definitely retakein November. Might even improve a bit, but I'm checked out mentally so it's just not worth it for me.