I got an email from MSU with your name on the presenter list and was pumped. Then I saw that it was intro...but I'm still pumped! I hope your realize @"J.Y. Ping" what a loved mentor you are and how much you have inspired so many of us!
@strasvery Let me know if you haven't heard from Dillon - feel free to PM me if I can help as a mentor of the site, but Dillon is the Administrator of Student Services:)
You are so loved and appreciated here. I hope you can still drop by sometime in the BR calls/discussion board so we can still reconnect sometime - thanks for everything you have done for all of us on 7-Sage Tyler.
CONGRATS JOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew you were gonna be a Sage soon. I'm also glad your Birthday wasn't ruined haha! Happy Birthday! I hope you have a super awesome time celebrating!
Congrats @danielznelson ! I'm just glad you're worse at predicting the curve than you are at actually taking the test or you might have been the only new sage!