... . That being said, this score will look bad to schools ... it should address your last score, and not the first ... lower score. Trying to make excuses ... enough that led to the scoredrop, or we're there ... address why a low score WASN'T the result ...
Anecdotal, but friend also had scoredrop and is having an amazing cycle and outperforming her numbers. Really don't think it should be a worry of yours. Also my advice is in my username and go ahead and reuse PTs.
... recommend postponing, unless your goal score is around 160. Note: there ... nothing wrong with a goal score of 160, it just ... "omit" your score. You can cancel your score, but only before you receive ... you don't cancel your scorebefore you receive it, then law ...
I think most score drops are caused by fatigue, ... overtesting. If you let a scoredrop get to you, it might ... more fatigue and a larger drop. If you take a break ...
... :
> I think most score drops are caused by fatigue ... overtesting. If you let a scoredrop get to you, it might ... more fatigue and a larger drop. If you take a break ... "prove" that the previous horrible score doesn't reflect my skills ...
I think unless your target is 170 and you are predicting a 155, you should not cancel. A cancel can be seen by school anyway, and schools will always assume it's bad. On the other hand a few points of scoredrop is no big deal.
... saw my biggest jump in score when I took a (possibly ... lazy) break for over a month. I was really scared that ... 't yet hit my goal score a month prior to when I ...
It doesn't look like they have announced a date by which they will announce changes. They announced the early June test change at the very end of April. So I imagine they will announce July around a monthbefore as well.
No. Less is usually more with applications. You have good scores and three takes is not abnormal. I would only write an addendum to explain a large scoredrop.