How crucial is it to have the most recent PTs in Digital format? I have some PTs in paper form. And I still have a good amount of PT material left from my current 7Sage material.
I read in their guidelines that you need to show both sides of the paper and pen, when starting the writing portion. However, when I was taking it; at no point did it prompt me to do it. Is anyone else confused about this?
On LSAT Flex rules it says that you can only have 5 pieces of paper and a pen/pencil + eraser without a sleeve. Are mini whiteboards prohibited? I believe they are but just wanted to double check since the GRE uses them.
Hey there folks, I'll be taking the November flex on my tiny desk in a dark corner. Does anyone know if I'm allowed to have a lamp on the desk, or just my PC, paper, pencils etc..?