The last set of PDFs I printed had like an 8 point font, while in the past it was probably a 12 point font and I don't think I changed the settings. @studentservice What are your thoughts? Thanks.
Might come across as a stupid question. I just want to make sure about one thing, can we hand write in the space provided for “print name”, while doing the signature or do we need to edit the pdf and make changes via that. TIA
Is there a pdf sheet with answers to games from 1-35 (foolproofing) Instead of looking at each explanation, is there a way I can look at a sheet to see if I got the correct answer?
@admin-3 is there anyway that the downloaded pdf (drills) could be iPad pencil enabled? Printing the drills is getting too much and I’m also traveling. Just wondering. Thanks!
Just as the title says... when I go to resources I can only see an option to take the test digitally. I would rather have them saved as a PDF on my computer so I can go back to them and print them at a need be basis.
Instead of printing out the PTs... Do you have a way to study on the tablet? Since the test is no longer in paper I am trying to avoid printing. Should I download PDF on my tablet and scan all my study notes etc?