Hi, I've completed the Kaplan Online Self Paced LSAT prep course but am not seeing the results I want. Will it confuse me to switch over to Testmasters Online prep course/materials if I already learned Kaplan methods? Thanks!
Does anyone have any comments about Blueprint RC, The LSAT Trainer or Fox Logical Reasoning books? How many books do we have to buy for prep to score high? There are a lot of LSAT books and study courses on the market. What is the best approach to prepare ...
... as altruistic is in fact self-interested"? Where does " ... treat altruistic behavior and self-interested behavior as synonymous, ... relationship between altruism and self interest is that altruistic ... We're not saying self-interested behavior implies altruistic ...
Each question stem will present a job for you to do. Simply do that job, nothing more, and nothing less. Do not do what it is not asking you to do. Stick to the scope of the arguments, be methodical in your approach, and ...